The Narrative Structure. It's a good way to gain a comprehensive overview of the community -- what it is now, what it's been in the past, and what it could be in the future. Explain and give examples of how an individual can identify themselves as belonging to a number of different groups. The Community Tool Box is a service of the. The assumption here is that as part of an assessment, you'll aim for a general understanding of the community, as described in this section, and also assess, with a narrower focus, the specific aspects you're interested in. This is because, in most rural communities, people have quite a bit of property, and they can have many plants and animals on their property. Assessing Community Needs and Resources, Section 1. Once youve chosen a community or two, map out your content using the BEABIES Exercise. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism Check out the latest free live events from the CEG Team. How has it shaped your perspective? 5.) A cold December wind wafts a strange infusion of ramen and leftover pizza. Attn: C&P PC 0205 & 0196/JC-348960. It is a form of prejudice and discrimination, as labels determine how people are and will be treated within society. Organizations have to remain dynamic in order to keep moving forward. It is evident that my partner has many identities and may act different for each of the identities with different people. M a mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend, niece, cousin, friend etc I am a number of people to the people am close to, all which have different identities. However, when people have different qualities to one another, they may act in many ways. In order to set some goals related to building relationships between cultures, resolving differences, or building a diverse coalition, it helps to have a vision of the kind of cultural community you hope for. A community is a group of people who share something in common. Community institutions, unless they are dysfunctional, can generally be viewed as assets. Computers allow you to easily combine various media -- photos, graphics, animation, text, and audio, for example. How to Write The Community Essay Step 1: Decide What Community to Write About Step 2: The BEABIES Exercise Step 3: Pick a Structure (Narrative or Montage) Community Essay Example: East Meets West Community Essay Example: Storytellers The Uncommon Connections Exercise Community Essay Example: The Pumpkin House (Plus Ethan's Analysis) Tools for taking stock. We've already discussed some of them, and many of the remaining sections of this chapter deal with them, because they're the same methods you'll use in doing a full community assessment. This just shows that stereotyping can start as something small and end up segregating groups of people, causing civil wars and even deaths. Discrimination means treating a person or group differently based on their prejudices, usually it means that people act in a negative way to a group of people due to their opinion. As we all know, government isn't only about the rules and structures that hold it together. Getting a feel for the attitudes and opinions of the community when you're starting work on an initiative. Consider answering these three questions in your essay if you choose the Narrative Structure: Heres an example of a narrative community essay based on a challenge that tackles those three questions, roughly in order: I look around my room, dimly lit by an orange light. ___You must understand the community's physical and geographic contexts -- the setting in which the community exists ___You must understand the community's people, culture, and web of relationships ___Explore all dimensions of the She is disabled, and is also unemployed. Answers to these and similar questions may both explain the situation (and the attitudes of the local population) and highlight a number of possible courses of action. Conversations often start with arent you the girl in the pumpkin house? My English teacher knew about our pumpkin and our chickens. Humans are multifaceted therefore if we were defined as avian one identity such as being male or female, then there would be nothing that would uniquely define us as humans from one another. TheU.S. National Institute of Mental Healthprovides statistics and educational information for the public as well as information for researchers. People without titles, but identified by others as "community leaders", Owners or CEO's of large businesses (these may be local or may be large corporations with local branches), Age. The politics of many communities embody the ideal of government working for the public good. People's answers to questions about it may ignore important points, either because they seem obvious to those who've lived with them for all or most of their lives, or because those things "just aren't talked about." Government officials may have very different interpretations of the political scene than activists or other community members. Whether a hospital, food bank, youth group, senior's home, or animal shelter . You can discuss skills you learned, such as carpentry, public speaking, animal care, or another skill. In school I met many other storytellersteachers, coaches, and fellow students whose stories taught me valuable lessons and enabled me to share stories of my own. Communities are typically small enough to where most people in the community know. Does not necessarily mean you have to live in that community. Reading the newspaper every day is a good idea in general if you're trying to learn about the community. For example, a certain member of my family does not agree with immigration within the country and believes that the only people who should live within the country should be the white people who are born here. People will have similarities and differences thin their qualities; if people have similarities with one another it is easier for them to accept one another. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best This is exactly why I love theatre so much. One of the final things to include in your essay should be the impact that your community service had on you. And if accepted to your college, Ill probably be active in getting involved with that same community and others on your college campus.. Volunteer. When you've been working in a community for any length of time and want to take stock. Once youve completed that exercise for several of the communities you are a part of, you might start to see one community seems to be the most obvious one to write about. 2. It is evident that my mother has many identities and may act different for each of the identities with different people. 100%. Give three examples in relation to people you know. They can suggest other things you might include, correct errors of fact, and react to what they consider the accuracy or inaccuracy of your portrait and analysis of their community. That something may be religion, culture, government or any combination of the three. M a student, a Christian and a member of the IAMB. Being able to share information with other organizations or coalitions that work in the community so that you can collaborate or so that everyone's work can benefit. And you also share concerns such as neighborhood safety or a poorly maintained lot. Here, we'll simply list them, with short explanations and links to sections where you can get more information about each. Instead my interests have become reading books and spending time trying to achieve personal goals. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. 2. It also helps to reduce health gaps caused by differences in income, education, race and ethnicity, location and other factors that can affect health. As a young dad, I really enjoy watching my children have fun with all kinds of different activities in all seasons. With some people being ignorant or not wanting to learn more about the group. Stepping into a community with an intervention or initiative without understanding the dynamics of community history can be a recipe for failure. It's especially important to get the perspective of those who often don't have a voice in community decisions and politics -- low-income people, immigrants, and others who are often kept out of the community discussion. (If the community isn't defined by geography, note and observe the areas where its members live, work, and gather.) Also, for the first time in Pokmon GO, you'll be able to encounter Shiny Galarian . Registration number: 419361 It may save you many hours of effort. Supplemental understanding of the topic including revealing main issues described in the particular theme; SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, Section 15. Offices of local, state, and federal government agencies (Welfare, Dept. At its core, the counter model also shows that the music industry can still be a vehicle for tangible good in the world, including better treatment of . Because, while this essay is largelyasking about your place within that community, it is a great opportunity to share more about you, and how you will most likely engage with that community (or other communities) on your future college campus. Communities are complicated, and figuring out the best way to improve the health of all residents in a particular place can be a daunting task. requirements? This may be the most difficult aspect of the community to understand, since it incorporates most of the others we've discussed, and is usually unspoken. Work one-on-one with experienced college counselors and essay specialists. Take advantage of their findings if you can. The less comfortable parts of that history, especially recent history -- discrimination, conflict, economic and/or political domination by a small group -- are may not be included, and are more likely to be found by talking to activists, journalists, and others who are concerned with those issues. Whichever community defines your work, you will want to get to know it well. On many of these websites, notably the U.S. Census, various categories can be combined, so that you can, for example, find out the income levels in your community for African American women aged 25-34 with a high school education. The description could add in or take the form of a video that includes a tour of the community, statements from and/or interviews with various community members (with their permission, of course), an audio voice-over, maps, etc. Arranging Assessments That Span Jurisdictions, different methods of gathering information, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, who community residents are and what their lives might be like, community description of Nashua, New Hampshire, Center for Community Health and Development. Multiple identities means having more than one characteristic that defines who we are as a person. There are many cultures within my community, therefore there are more than one alluding devoted to faith and religion. Locating a social situation. Explain how the variations in question 2 contribute to the diversity of the community. How? This carried on for years, and restricted the black population. You may not have the time or skills to do much of it, but talking to activists and journalists about recent history can be crucial. ___A community can be any group sharing something in common What do we mean by understanding and describing the community? TheNational Institute for Literacyprovides information about research and initiatives to expand the community of literacy practitioners, students, and policymakers. Understanding a community is crucial to being able to work in it. "Part of the issue is that we do not have a best practices model for place-based interventions," Dr. Dankwa-Mullan says. One can't describe the immense gratitude and happiness when you live your WHY daily. In the second paragraph she mentions the value of connection. The Catholic community (or faith community, a term used to refer to one or more congregations of a specific faith). As with most of the rest of the community building work described in the Community Tool Box, the work of understanding and describing the community is ongoing, for as long as you remain committed to the community itself. Different cultures, backgrounds, languages, age, gender and social/lifestyle choices all seen in the community in which I live all add to the diverse community in which I live, as diverse means different and varied. (250 words), Duke University: We seek a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. pumpkin on our doorstep. This is a newly constructed and renovated space, that houses a boutique hotel, restaurant, and creamery. Communities reinvent themselves constantly, as new buildings and developments are put up and old ones torn down, as businesses move in and out, as populations shift -- both within the community and as people and groups move in and out -- and as economic, social, and political conditions change. I witnessed how this act of sharing creates authentic community spirit. Chicago, IL: Planners Press, pp. (Biking, or in some cases even walking, is difficult in San Francisco, for example, because of the length and steepness of the hills.) First: Use the Values Exercise at this link to brainstorm predictable values that other students might describe in their essay and then vow not to use those values. In a typical community, they might include: To begin, let's look at some basic principles to keep in mind. This could include, being a Southampton supporter, lorry spotter or even being male, all at once. That something may be religion, culture, government or any combination of the three. Once you've gathered the information you need, the next step is describing the community. Labeling refers to giving names to people based on their characteristics such as nationality, race etc. Some believe it is innate, some believe it is learned . To find out about various aspects of the community, you'll need a number of different methods of gathering information. The three types of communities are rural, urban, and suburban. The first way is through solicitation, you learn the views of other people including family, rinds and the media. And colleges want students who are going to be active in engaging with their community. to help you write a unique paper. Check out our library of live and on demand video courses at Pay-What-You-Can prices. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; When family bring children up with set views the children can come to view or think of the ideas as facts and believe them to be true and therefore will not challenge them. Having enough familiarity with the community to allow you to converse intelligently with residents about community issues, personalities and geography. Go with the one that you feel gives the best chance to help you share more about yourself. There are more people of retirement age, and the majority of the people within the community would appear to be out of work, for which there is a local job centre where the people of ages 20-40 seem to gather which is right next to the pub! In the built environment, some things to pay attention to are: This is a topic that is ripe for examination. Explain how people may develop prejudices. Newspaper archives can also reveal the stories that help you understand the emotions still surrounding events and issues that don't seem current. For example there a recolourful paintings on the walls which were painted by some hippie community. These reports can help community leaders see that our environment influences how healthy we are and how long we live, and even what parts of our environment are most influential. If privacy keeps you from opening up, well, describe A community. Describe yourself in terms of your multiple identities. By combing through existing data, observing, and learning from community members, you can gain an overview of the community that will serve you well. Stereotypes that are passed on through families and have been in existence for a long period is thought of as true facts; however this is not always the case. Observe both the built and the natural environment. To tell our stories, we travel to elementary and middle schools performing plays that help educate younger students of the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and bullying. What is meant by shared identity? Describe the community you live in. To communicate a sense of a community in which one lives, it would be effective to describe the government structure, layout, civic organizations, general aesthetics, educational system and what types of people live there. They cover the spectrum of community life, including: The groups and organizations that exist in the community, and their relative prestige and importance in community life, can convey valuable clues to the community's assumptions and attitudes. Those who live in suburban developments report the highest levels of mental well-being. What will you describe as community living, and how impactful has it been to you? They will experience these sews on a daily basis and it will stick with them and influence their views. Highlight some of the variations you may observe in terms of: Interests Beliefs Ages Lifestyles Personal, social and cultural identities. Are there lots of locally-owned businesses and industries, or are most parts of larger corporations headquartered elsewhere? In Neighborhood Planning: A Guide for Citizens and Planners. Failing to understand it will deny you credibility and make it difficult for you both to connect with community members and to negotiate the twists and turns of starting and implementing a community initiative or intervention. match. Further a field there is a lot of social housing as well as student lets. The "standard" history -- when the community was founded and by whom, how long it has existed, how people lived there in the past, its major sources of work, etc. The Pumpkin House (Narrative + Montage Combo Structure). In fact, heres a simple GoogleDoc you can download and fill in right now. Religious institutions. However, it is also possible to be discriminated against for other identities that he may have as well. 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM. The creamery has ice cream, coffee and bakery items, including breakfast . Public transportation in many places, if it exists at all, may take the form of a pickup truck or 20-year-old van that takes as many passengers as can squeeze into or onto the bed, passenger compartment, and roof. Given the availability of technology, you don't have to limit yourself to any specific format. for communities, organizations and government agencies at all levels. ThisHuman Development Index Mapis a valuable tool fromMeasure of America: A Project of the Social Science Research Council. If this all sounds a lot like investigative reporting, that's because it is. While this author doesnt go into too much depth on the What did you do about it? question named above, we do get a sense of the challenge he faced and what he learned. Applicants who do not submit the required items timely may not be considered for this job: We are the community of "being known and knowable.". Describe Your Neighborhood - There is and There are I live in a small town in Honduras, in my community, you can find all kind of places, for example, you can go to the swimming pool which is located near the park. There are a number of ways to learn about the structure and operation of local government: In most of the U.S., these meetings are public by state law, and must be announced in specific ways at least two days ahead. Step 6: Discuss What You Learned. Determining Service Utilization, Section 14. 12. The next morning, our patch contained twelve new pumpkins. The team worked in the drizzling rain on a Saturday in February, fuelled by cakes and sausage rolls, to transform the small field in Widecombe-in-the-Moor, into, what will be known as, Jubilee . They're the individuals in key positions, or those who are trusted by a large part of the community or by a particular population. 9. Section 2. When a funder asks you to, often as part of a funding proposal. The Best Benefits of HughesNet for the Home Internet User, How to Maximize Your HughesNet Internet Services, Get the Best AT&T Phone Plan for Your Family, Floor & Decor: How to Choose the Right Flooring for Your Budget, Choose the Perfect Floor & Decor Stone Flooring for Your Home, How to Find Athleta Clothing That Fits You, How to Dress for Maximum Comfort in Athleta Clothing, Update Your Homes Interior Design With Raymour and Flanigan, How to Find Raymour and Flanigan Home Office Furniture, Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information. Others cross health boundaries, such as theCenters for Disease Control, which maintains national health statistics. no drainage issues. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. The "WONDER" system is an access point to a wide variety of CDC reports, guidelines, and public health data to assist in research, decision-making, priority setting, and resource allocation. Copyright 2023 Otherwise, the Montage Structure works well. The candy packaging created with Girls on the Run has a new design featuring more than 200 . People stereotype because the human mind likes order and attempts to see patterns in disorderly situations. Second: Identify 3-4 uncommon connections (values other students would be unlikely to think of) and give an example of each. Due to the area, the Muslim religion is very prominent especially with cultural outfits. This essay was written by a fellow student. An example of this is conflict, by stereotyping and labeling people in a negative way could cause conflict e. G. Scottish people are tight fisted. The Distressed Communities Index(DCI) is a customized dataset created byEIGexamining economic distress throughout the country and made up ofinteractive maps,infographics, and areport. Mix in your likes and dislikes, HOA's, bitchin sandwich stand, bogus neighbors, whatever. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. Why? Those who live in enclosed, or gated, communities do not feel safer from crime, despite the security suggested by the design . Does the lay of the land make it difficult to get from one part of the community to another? Instead they are brought together by some commonality, such as a religion or hobby. 13. #Gaines United Methodist Church #GainesUMCLike, Subscribe & Share The Community Church where "All Means All" When people learn to appreciate diversity it develops a greater understanding and respect for peoples differences. On my desk, a framed picture of an Asian family beaming their smiles, buried among US history textbooks and The Great Gatsby. Conducting Needs Assessment Surveys, Section 8. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion not based on reason or experience. The country now also has many workers from other countries that are willing to do some jobs that many people within the UK did not want to do (some of the lowest paid jobs). I would not consider myself as being very religious however; being a part of the Church of England it is important to me to live by the guidelines of the church. Hurry and clean/organize my apartment so it's easier for people to go through. An African American art teacher, for example, might see herself (or be seen by others) as a member of the African American, arts, and/or education communities, as well as of a particular faith community. Acommunity description of Nashua, New Hampshire. He is a friend and a keen Villa Supporter. The political climate, culture, and assumptions in a particular community often depend more on who elected and appointed officials are than on the limits or duties of their offices. Not having the proper background information on your community may not seem like a big deal until you unintentionally find yourself on one side of a bitter divide, or get involved in an issue without knowing about its long and tangled history. There is a mosque, denominations of Christianity (such as Church of England, Catholicism and catholic schools) as well as a faith building Im not too sure about. In addition, however, there are some specific people that it might be important to talk to. Describe an person you admire Beauty patience ambition and strength; these words come to mind when thinking of the ideal woman. When you're new to a community and want to be well informed before beginning your work. The more interesting the description is, the more people are likely to actually read it. They dont try to understand or respect the persons unique qualities. Look at my dorm room. In this section, we'll discuss how you might approach examining the community in some detail and setting down your findings in a community description. Describing the Community, from a WHO (World Health Organization) manual: Emergency Preparedness: A Manual for Managers and Policy Makers. (250 words), (Old) Brown University: Tell us about a place or community you call home. Presidents or chairs of civic or service clubs -- Chamber of Commerce, veterans' organizations, Lions, Rotary, etc. Perhaps, if it's a community you're already familiar with, and really know it well. Background. The Hershey's "SHE" candy bars are returning to store shelves on March 1, 2023, to celebrate women. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Advertisement Still have questions? In the category of natural features, we can include both areas that have been largely left to nature, and "natural" spaces created by human intervention. The quality of a community is often dictated by the degree of engagement and happiness individuals can draw from community interactions. Learn more. Sure, I held a Korean passport in my hands, and I loved kimchi and Yuna Kim and knew the Korean Anthem by heart. As a group, you and your neighbors form a community. There are three supermarkets and there is a bus station next to the bank. Eve spending time with my partner and my daughter. Kindness surprises people and is infectious. I live in a community of about 5000 people It has a lot of industry, is a transfer point for agriculture goods going out and everything else needed coming in.. Deep inside, I feared Id labeled by my airport customs category: a foreigner everywhere. whatever the most expensive products in the world are. My stories took shape through my involvement with theatre. 1. Some things you might like to know, besides the number of people in the community: In the U.S., most of this and other demographic information is available from the U.S. Census, from state and local government websites, or from other government agencies. Nationality, race etc clubs -- Chamber of Commerce, veterans ' organizations, Lions,,. Creates authentic community spirit I feared Id labeled by my airport customs category a... Within my community describe the community you live in a Christian and a member of the political than! It difficult to get from one part of a specific faith ) through my involvement with theatre smart assistant and... Achieve personal goals or even being male, all at once due to the bank evident that mother! 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